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HSEC Media Advertising

HSEC Media Advertising

Bringing qualifications and training to life!

‘’I wanna learn Wednesday’’

This is a new initiative where we will provide you with a knowledge video every Wednesday via social media.

The aim is to provide an overview of the various legislation, codes of practice and guidance which apply to the waste and resource, extractives and mineral processing sectors!

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

LOLER Regulations 1998

Mainstream Advertising

2021 - Possibly the best WAMITAB Centre in the world

2021 - We are go for launch...Centre of Innovation... 

2019 - The ''WAMITAB Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ''.

2021 - Exhibition Advertising - Letsrecycle Live, RWM and the CARS & MRE  

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WAMITAB and MPQC Approved Centre, Delivery Nationwide