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The training route to achieve technical competence, for a permitted waste management facility. This is suitable for a range of facility types such as non-hazardous treatment and transfer, metal recycling, end of life vehicles, contaminated land remediation, anaerobic digestion and composting, inert landfill to name but a few.
To find out more about this qualification?
Find out more about the changes and competence requirments!
The process required to achieve this qualification!
Click the arrow in any of the blue circles below, to access information about the qualification process, costs and other useful information.
The CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management – VRQ, is a taught and tested qualification and is the ideal way of gaining the appropriate qualification, as the Delegate is taught everything they ne to know!
It's open to anyone, from those who are new or preparing to work in the industry, such as those in haulage, sales, customer service or compliance teams, and of course new or experienced waste supervisors or managers, who want to achieve technical competence for a permitted waste facility.
This route doesn't require access to a permitted facility in order to achieve the award, which makes it ideal for those applying for new permits, as well as those who already have an environmental permit in place.
On completion of this qualification, Delegates can act as the technically competent manager (TCM), of a permitted waste site or apply the knowledge to improve the business in a number of ways from compliance to sales, with the added benefit of having completed an accredited qualification.
The end result is the same - a Level 4 CIWM (WAMITAB) qualification, but by enrolling in the VRQ, you will have confidence, know the laws and regulatory powers, and be able to make important site decisions based on actual knowledge.
Achievement of this qualification demonstrates competence by the learner to manage permitted waste facilities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for the following site activities (Dependen on optional unit achieved):
Please note: A number of new consolidated standard rules environmental permits have been issued, which apply only to England.
Please see our blog for further information on these new standard rules and the technical competence required!
Yes, this qualification is listed in the CIWM / WAMITAB Operator Competence Scheme, as a suitable qualification that will allow the individual on completion, to act as the technically competent manager of a permitted waste management facility.
We have provided below a condensed list showing the types of permitted activities this qualification could allow you to cover depending on the optional unit(s) selected:
The process starts with an in-depth training course, this course will not only provide you with the knowledge and understanding to complete the written projects required, but this will set you up for a career in waste management.
The course material is delivered via PowerPoint presentation; however, this will not be death by PowerPoint, this will be an interactive fun learning process, with real-world stories you will never forget, as well as various exercises, question and answer sessions, and much more!
The course covers the 5 mandatory units of health & safety, legislation, environmental protection, stakeholder communication, and sustainable waste management.
Each Delegate will then select at least one optional mandatory unit, which will be their specialist subject and is relevant to the permitted waste management facility.
Optional Units Available (Click the below optional unit to find out additional information):
Please note: there has been a number of new consolidated standard rules permits issued, some of which include asbestos. If you are unsure which competence you require, please contact us for further guidance or click here to learn about the new consolidated standard rules permits and technical competence requirements.
Please note: this route is not suitable for those looking to transfer or store asbestos.
After the course, you will be required to complete and submit a unit question paper for each of the 5 mandatory units and your chosen optional unit(s) in your own time, away from the course.
These are submitted to us electronically or through the post for marking.
If they reach the required standard, we will store them until all of your unit question papers have met the standard.
Any unit question paper(s) that do not meet the standard will be returned to you, along with feedback from the marker.
This will allow you to review the feedback provided by the marker while continuing to research and learn prior to making the required amendments to your question(s).
Once amended, they are sent back to us for marking. When all your unit question papers have met the standard, they will go through an internal and external moderation process.
After this point, we can then claim your award!
We offer three different packages, eco, standard, and premium, which we have explained below.
Eco Package
£2000.00 + VAT Per Learner
The Eco package is designed for those who wish to reduce any environmental impact and all materials provided are purely digital. This option also comes with a reduced number of overall submissions.
Standard Package (Most popular option)
£2195.00 + VAT Per Learner
The standard package comes with printed hard copies of the training materials and supporting information, which allow you to make notes and highlight important information. This will be useful when doing research to complete your written question paper assignments. It also has an increased number of submissions compared to the eco package and it also includes tablet, which provides access to guidance and videos.
Premium Package
£2595.00 + VAT Per Learner
The premium package contains the same aspects as the standard package, but we provide you with a laptop instead of a tablet. This is suitable for those in small or large organisations, who don't have access to a laptop or computer.
Additional Charges:
£500 + VAT - Per additional optional unit
This is only required for those wanting to achieve multiple units such as consultants or if it's required because you manage multiple environmental permits.
A common combination is those who require VRQ406 transfer and treatment of non-hazardous, which is included within the cost of the award but also require VRQ410 - Inert Landfill. There may be additional charges for additional marking and re-registration if required.
Those purchasing our standard or premium packages will have access to additional support through either a tablet or laptop, which is yours to keep after the course.
The device is pre-loaded with 100’s of guidance documents on health and safety, planning, waste management and the environment.
These materials can be used in order to continue to research and learn during and after the course, because we have remote access to the information provided, as we update or add any guidance, videos and other information, you will have direct access to a huge resource of information at your fingertips, which you also use in your daily role either managing or supervising a waste management facility.
We have also added a range of support videos, covering general topics such as health and safety, environmental protection and legislation, as well as activity-specific subjects such as how to do a health and safety risk assessment, and environmental risk assessments to name but a few.
As part of the process, we include a training course covering the 5 mandatory units and your chosen optional unit(s).
We provide a range of course options from intensive courses which run over 5 consecutive days, standard split courses which start with an initial 2 or 3 days of training, and then you will sit the remaining 2 or 3 days some weeks later.
We also offer extreme split courses, which allow you to complete your training at a slower and more manageable rate!
Ideal for those who are new or that have an extremely busy schedule, you will sit 1 training day every 3 to 6 weeks, which allows you to focus on completing the work required before the next training session.
In the unlikely event none of our courses fit in with your diary, let us know we regularly work with customers, to develop bespoke course options, using all of the open courses we have available throughout the year at no extra cost!
We can also deliver private courses for small or large groups, with the training being delivered either online or face to face at a suitable facility!
Got a question? We’re here to help.
Click the arrow in any of the blue circles below, to access our responses to general questions we have been asked.
No, unlike on-site assessment, this qualification does not require you to be assessed in the working environment.
This also means it can be achieved in advance of any permit application.
This qualification can also be achieved by those in support roles such as those in customer service, SHE managers, waste carriers, brokers and sales teams who can apply the knowledge to assist with both compliance and customer support, this is of course in addition to any person looking to achieve the award to act as the technically competent manager of a permitted waste site.
We regularly deliver private courses to customers across the UK, from independent metal recyclers, anaerobic digestion, and composting facilities, those working in utilities, to larger waste management and quarry organisations.
Courses can be delivered online for those organisations that have employees operating in a range of locations and wish to avoid any unnecessary travel, or we can provide face-to-face courses delivered at a centralised location either at an operational site, head office, or alternative venue.
The benefit of a private course is the training can be tailored more to your waste sector activity be it utilities, wastewater, and associated anaerobic digestion to metal recycling or more main steam operations, and we will work with you to agree on dates to deliver the training, which fit around your operational requirements.
Yes, we allow all our Delegates to sit the course again free of charge as many times as they like while on program.
This could be one unit, multiple units or the entire course, as we appreciate people have good intentions when they enroll, but life gets in the way and you forget things, others sometimes don't understand fully until the second time around and then the penny drops, as there is a lot of information to take on board and every one is unique!
Included within the cost of the qualification is your initial registration with the awarding organisation CIWM (WAMITAB), for the 5 mandatory units and 1 optional unit.
Registration will last for a period of 12 months from the date of registration.
However, the average completion time is between 3 and 5 months. It is however down to the Delegate, and we have had Delegates complete their chosen qualification in as quick as a few months, while others may take longer depending on their workload, holidays, and other things going on in their busy lives!
In the event you don't complete within this time frame, you will need to be re-registered for a further 12 months, any work completed will then carry over.
No, this qualification is open entry which means you don't need to have achieved any other qualification.
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Find out more about the optional unit(s).
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This provides an example of the course times, breaks and content for each course day.
We offer private courses for inddivudals and groups, either online or face to face!
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Optional units available for differing permitted activities.
VRQ406 – Principles and practices of managing a physical treatment processing facility (Transfer and Treatment of non-hazardous waste)
VRQ407 – Principles and practices of managing a biological treatment processing facility (Anaerobic Digestion and Composting)
VRQ408 – Principles and practices of managing a thermal treatment processing facility (Thermal Treatment such as autoclave)
VRQ409 – Principles and practices of managing land remediation activities (Contaminated Land Remediation)
VRQ410 – Principles and practices of managing an inert landfill (Inert Landfill & Deposit for Recovery Operation)
VRQ411 – Principles and practices of managing a mechanical biological treatment facility (Mechanical Biological Treatment - MBT)
VRQ412 – Principles and practices of managing an end of life vehicle facility (End of Life Vehicles - ELV)
VRQ413 – Principles and practices of managing a metals recycling facility (Metal Recycling Facility)
VRQ414 - Principles and practices of managing a hazardous waste storage facility (Storage of Catalytic converters / Storage of Electrical Insulation Oil)
VRQ415 - Principles and practices of managing land spreading activities (Mobile Plant for land spreading to include sewage sludge - Land treatment resulting in benefit)
VRQ416 - Principles and practices of managing a WEEE facility (WEEE ATF physical treatment and storage)
Access all the CIWM (WAMITAB) qualifications we deliver, from management through to operative level.
Access all the MPQC qualifications we deliver, from mobile plant or weighbridge
to supervisory and management.
Waste management, hazardous waste, duty of care, mobile plant, health and safety, environmental training courses.
Providing you with access to news, and guidance covering health and safety, waste, planning and more. .............
Find out more about us, the qualifications we deliver, as well as the organisations we work with. ................
Experienced in delivering training on a global footing from the middle east to Canada. ...... .... ... ..................
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 3 Award in Health and Safety Supervision
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CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ
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CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ
CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ Course
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About the CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ
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About the CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ
An update on the merger between CIWM and WAMITAB
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
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An update on the merger between CIWM and WAMITAB
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New standard rules environmental permits available
An update on the merger between CIWM and WAMITAB
Karen achieves CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Qualification
Is your continuing competence test due?
Amendment to the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from HSEC Services
An update on the merger between CIWM and WAMITAB
Learn more about the CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certifcate in Waste and Resource Managment VRQ
Not sure what CIWM (WAMITAB) Award you require? Take a look at our risk tier table
Visit 'The Info Lab' for all your Health, Safety and Enviornmental Legilsation and Guidance
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