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Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Training

Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness Training Course

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Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness Training

We have a number of qualified tutors, who have a vast amount of knowledge and experience in managing waste management facilities, as well as training and assessment. 

About our 'H2S Course'

The process required to achieve this qualification!

Click the arrow in any of the red circles below, to access information about our courses, costs and other useful information.

  • Is this qualification suitable for me?

    This qualification is suitable for aspiring or already appointed supervisors or managers working in areas of the business either, inside or outside of the scope of the Quarry Regulations 1999

    Those supervising or managing cement, asphalt (tar) plants, or block works, would complete pathway 1 only to achieve this qualification. 

    Those operating under the full scope of the regulations would be required to complete pathways 1 and 2 if they are involved in mineral extraction only, those involved in blasting in addition to mineral extraction would need to complete pathways 1, 2, and 3

    On completion of this qualification, it demonstrates competence by the learner, to act as the nominated, appointed competent person under section 8(1)(c) of the Quarry Regulations 1999 in either a small or large organisation.  

    In order to complete the MPQC Level 6 Diploma in Health, Safety and Environmental Management, you do not have to be in a designated role to achieve this qualification. 

    Providing the Learner has sufficient involvement in the operation at the required level and can meet the requirements of the award such as site improvements, implementation of health and safety, and environmental aspects, then the award is achievable. 

  • Qualification Cost's

    MPQC Level 4 Diploma in Health, Safety and Environmental Management (SHE4)

    £3049.00 + VAT Per Learner


    • MP Awards (MPQC) Registration for your chosen competence qualification.
    • 6 Assessment visits, Including over 30 hours of assessment.
    • All assessor time, travel and associated expenses.
    • E-Portfolio to allow you to complete your knowledge questions, upload evidence, track progress, as well as providing access to hundreds of pieces of guidance and knowledge videos.

    Additional Charges:

    £600 + VAT - Per additional assessment visit, this is typically required where the assessor has confirmed an assessment within 7 days, and then turns up on site and the learner has either done nothing or the assessment can’t go ahead as the learner has meetings or other work which takes priority over the assessment. 

    However, to date we have never charged a client for an extra assessment visit which is down to the rigorous planning and support we provide our learners.

  • Hazardous Waste Training

    Almost every business produces some form of Hazardous Waste.

    It is vital to understand the statutory definition of hazardous waste which has been established under the EU Waste Framework Directive. This differs in several respects from the definition of hazardous substances used in health and safety legislation. The quantity is irrelevant in deciding whether a waste is hazardous.

    Hazardous waste is defined by reference to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC).

    Significant changes to the assessment criteria were introduced in July 2015 through the Environment Agency guidance document WM3.

    This course will teach delegates in the following subject areas:

    • Employers Duties
    • Hazardous waste regulations
    • Definition of Hazardous Waste
    • European Waste Catalogue / The List of Wastes Regulations
    • Assessment Procedure for Hazardous waste
    • Coding
    • Classification
    • Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP’s)
    • Hazard Statements
    • Hazardous thresholds
    • Consignment Note Procedures
    • Consignee Returns
    • Healthcare Hazardous Waste (Clinical)
  • Course Cost's

    We have provided details of the costs of the training and what is included below:  

    Standard Package

    £245.00 + VAT Per Delegate 


    • Attendance to an open hazardous waste training course 
    • Training materials and guidance

Popular Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

Click the arrow in any of the red circles below, to access our responses to general questions we have been asked.

  • How long is the course?

    This is a one day course, which starts at 0900 and it will finish around 1600. 

  • Who is this course suitable for?

    Many businesses produce hazardous waste. This course is designed for anyone, from those producing waste and transferring it to a waste broker, dealer, or carrier, to those managing a permitted waste management facility.

  • Will I get a certificate?

    Yes, we will issue you an in-house certificate, which will confirm who did the training, when the training took place, and the criteria covered within the training. 

  • Can this help me with my CIWM (WAMITAB) qualification?

    Yes, this is a great way to gain additional knowledge and understanding, which you can then apply to your written knowledge question papers, as well as the assessment process itself. 

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