+44 1502 712209

VRQ - Build Your Own Courses

Build Your Own Course - Booking Form

Build Your Own Course - Booking Form

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ 

Booking Form

So, what is ‘Build Your Own Course’? Build Your Own Course, allows you to select the training dates you wish to attend, factoring in how long you need to complete the qualification, work and other commitments, as after all, who else knows your schedule better than you do?

We have stripped the course and booking process back, to allow you to select individual units, allowing as much or as little time between courses as you require while also allowing you to plan around work, holidays and other requirements!

Don’t worry if anything changes; we will still be on hand to help and provide our usual support!

Guidance: When completing the below form, if you click the submit button, and the form does not change to say ''Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to you as soon as possible'', then check all the fields are completed, as it will not submit unless you complete all the fields.

Standard Split Courses

Information & Downloads

Please find below information and guidance available to download on the CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ

Download Fair Processing Notice - GDPR Policy Download Plagiarism Awareness Policy Download Delegate VRQ Guidance Training & Qualification Terms & Conditions

Course Price Plans

Below you can access a pop up page, containing information about the different course packages we offer, what they contain and their associated cost prior to proceeding with your booking.

Course Price Plans

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this qualification, e.g is it suitable for my permitted site, or maybe you want to book a group / private course, you can click the below buttons, to either drop us an email or select online chat, and we can answer any questions. 

Email The Centre Live Chat

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