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An awarding organisation and charity .


CIWM (WAMITAB) has been running since it was originally formed in 1989, until recently it was just known as WAMITAB but in December 2021, they merged with the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management to form CIWM (WAMITAB).

CIWM (WAMITAB) is an awarding organisation and charity that develops qualifications for those working in: waste management and recycling, cleaning and street cleansing, facilities management and parking, with over 120 qualification pathways, CIWM (WAMITAB) offers an unrivalled specialist network to support staff development.

They work directly with industry leaders to shape and deliver employer-led qualifications that provide individuals with fit-for-purpose skills for the workplace. Their values are underpinned by the desire to see every individual being given the opportunity to learn. By qualifying the workforce, we aim to embed a culture of safety and progression, making the industry more attractive as a career.

They are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting technical competence in the industry via regulated programmes, accreditation of in-house training schemes and on-the-job assessment.


This section provider information about the awarding body CIWM (WAMITAB), terms and jargon used to deliver qualifications and training.

  • Primary Competence : The vocational qualification, units and/or training programme(s) identified as providing the skills, knowledge and competence required to manage their waste site.


  • Continuing Competence : Every two years the designated TCM is required to successfully complete the Continuing Competence test. The test covers generic topics: Health and Safety; Environmental Protection and Legislation plus an Activity Specific Test(s) relating to the site activity. 


  • Technically Competent Manager (TCM): The TCM is the site operator or designated manager and they must hold the appropriate qualification as categorised by the level of risk for the site operations and an up-to-date Continuing Competence certificate.


  • Risk Tier : The three tiers – High, Medium and Low Risk – allow for different levels of technical competence to be demonstrated proportional to the environmental risk. The Risk Tier table identifies which type of facilities fall within each level making it clear to both operators and regulators what level of competence is required. The Risk Tier Table is on the Operator Competence page on the WAMITAB website and is searchable by keyword, such as your site activity, and/or Standard Rule Permit.


  • Vocational qualification : A qualification is vocational when it relates directly to the skills, knowledge and understanding required to undertake a specific or broad job role.


  • Unit : The units of a qualification split out specific skill sets and describe what you must be able to do and understand to perform work activities competently in your job role. 


  • TQT : Total Qualification Time – the minimum amount of hours a typical learner will take to complete the respective qualification includes time with the trainer/assessor and your own study time. 


  • GLH : Guided Learning Hours – this is the time spent with the trainer/assessor and is incorporated in TQT.


  • Learning outcomes : Describe what you will know, understand or be able to do as a result of learning.


  • Assessment criteria : Describe what activities you will need to complete to demonstrate that you have achieved the Learning Outcome.


  • Assessment : Qualifications are assessed “on the job” so you will need to be employed in a suitable position, or have access to the working environment. 


  • Evidence : You need to collect evidence to prove that you are competent as required by the standards set in the units of the qualification – this could be evidence of work activities, written/verbal reports and/or audio/visual recordings. 


  • Observation (O): Your assessor will observe you as you carry out tasks activities that occur naturally in the workplace. 


  • Question and Answer (Q/A): candidate statements, verbal questioning, professional discussion, written questions, product evidence supported by questioning.


  • Simulation/Realistic working environment (S/R): used to represent situations which rarely occur or are exceptional, eg, to assess response to an emergency/incident. 


  • Portfolio : This is where you will collect evidence to demonstrate your competence. A portfolio could be either hard-copy or electronic (format to be agreed with the Approved Centre). The evidence held in your portfolio must be your own work, and be clearly referenced to the units of the qualification. 


  • Assessor : This is the person you will have the most contact with as you work towards your qualification and is employed by an Approved Centre. The assessor works to assess your competence against the standards set within the qualification. Assessors are qualified and experienced in the subject of the qualification you are registered for, and have the skills to plan and carry out your assessments. They will make judgments of your competence, based on the evidence you provide, and give you feedback.


  • Approved Centre : Only providers that have met CIWM (WAMITAB's) strict quality standards are approved to deliver CIWM (WAMITAB) qualifications; this could include private training companies and/or Colleges of Further Education.

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Qualifications

Below we have provided a simplified table of technical competence qualifications split into three categories and they are treatment, transfer and landfill.

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Transfer Qualifications

Transfer Operations: Qualifications Unit & Title

LROC1 - Level 4 Low-Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer and Storage

LROC3 - Level 4 Low-Risk Operator Competence for Inert Storage and Transfer

MROC1 - Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Treatment and Transfer

MROC12 - Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Waste Transfer

MROC16 - Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Non-Hazardous Clinical Waste Transfer

HROC4a, HROC4b - Level 4 High-Risk Operator Competence for Managing Transfer of Hazardous Waste

All the above qualifications are gained by the Learner demonstrating that they have the required level of knowledge and skill, demonstrated through either on-site assessment in the working environment and completion of the relevant qualification/units or that they have successfully attended and completed recognised training courses. 

These qualifications are designed to provide technically competent people with the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with their ''Environmental Permit - England & Wales'' or ''Waste Management Licensing Regulations - N.Ireland''. 

These qualifications are nationally recognised through the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Treatment Qualifications

Treatment Operations: Qualifications Unit & Title

LROC2 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Non-hazardous Treatment To Produce Soil

LROC4 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Inert Physical Treatment

MROC1 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Non-hazardous Waste Treatment And Transfer

MROC2 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Physical Treatment

MROC3 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Open Windrow Composting

MROC4 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Closed Vessel Composting

MROC5 - Level 4 Medium Risk Operator Competence for Anaerobic Digestion

MROC10 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Non-hazardous Sludge And Land Spreading

MROC13 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Contaminated Land Remediation

MROC15 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Non-hazardous Clinical Waste Treatment

MROC18 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Mechanical Biological Treatment

HROC5 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Waste

HROC6 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Physical and Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Waste

All the above qualifications are gained by the Learner demonstrating that they have the required level of knowledge and skill, demonstrated through either on-site assessment in the working environment and completion of the relevant qualification/units or that they have successfully attended and completed recognised training courses. 

These qualifications are designed to provide technically competent people with the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with their ''Environmental Permit - England & Wales'' or ''Waste Management Licensing Regulations - N.Ireland''. 

These qualifications are nationally recognised through the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Landfill Qualifications

Landfill Operations: Qualifications Unit & Title

MROC7 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Open Inert Landfill

MROC8 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Open Inert Landfill, Single Waste Stream

MROC9 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Closed Inert Landfill

MROC11 - Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Dredgings Management

HROC1 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Open Hazardous Landfill

HROC2 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Open Non-Hazardous Landfill

HROC3 -   Level 4 Operator Competence Certificate in Managing Closed Landfill

All the above qualifications are gained by the Learner demonstrating that they have the required level of knowledge and skill, demonstrated through either on-site assessment in the working environment and completion of the relevant qualification/units or that they have successfully attended and completed recognised training courses. 

These qualifications are designed to provide technically competent people with the knowledge and skills to ensure waste sites comply with their ''Environmental Permit - England & Wales'' or ''Waste Management Licensing Regulations - N.Ireland''. 

These qualifications are nationally recognised through the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)

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WAMITAB and MPQC Approved Centre, Delivery Nationwide