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RWM & Letsrecycle Live 2022

HSEC Services • 24 August 2022


A collaboration between the two leading UK events, RWM & Letsrecycle Live combine to form the UK’s largest event for the recycling, resource and wider environmental services sector.


The best of both events, the 2022 event features 12,000+ attendees, 300+ speakers across 9 conference theatres, 550+ exhibitors, live material processing, 50+ vehicle demonstrations and exclusive free to attend networking events including the Local Authority Lounge, Women in Sustainability, private meetings, the Careers Corner, the Innovation Awards and much more.


Health, Safety & Environmental Compliance Services Ltd look forward to being part of a bigger, better, and revitalised event for the industry.


All of the qualifications, training and services we provide are available nationwide, with some even stretching overseas and being delivered internationally.

Waste Management:


Approved by the awarding organisation CIWM (WAMITAB), we deliver an extensive range of waste management qualifications suitable for both operators, supervisors and managers.


We are approved to deliver the following qualifications:

Statutory - Technical Competence


🟢 CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ - Training route (Example activity: Metal recycling, inert landfill, composting, AD, transfer or treatment of non-hazardous waste, contaminated, End of Life Vehicles or land spreading) - Click Here to find out more!

🟢 CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 High-Risk Operator Competence (Examples activity: hazardous transfer or treatment, clinical waste transfer, non-hazardous or hazardous landfill) - Click Here to find out more!
🟢 CIWM (
WAMITAB) Level 4 Medium-Risk Operator Competence (Example activity: Metal recycling, inert landfill, composting, AD, transfer or treatment of non-hazardous waste, contaminated or End of Life Vehicles) - Click Here to find out more!
🟢 CIWM (
WAMITAB) Level 4 Low-Risk Operator Competence (Example activity: Inert transfer or treatment) - Click Here to find out more!


🟢 CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 3 Qualifications - Click Here to find out more!

🟢 CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 2 Qualifications - Click Here to find out more!

🟢 CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 1 Qualifications - Click Here to find out more!

Training Courses:
We also deliver the following waste management training courses:
🟢Continuing Competence Refreshers
🟢Waste & Environmental Legislation 
🟢Duty of Care Training
🟢Hazardous Waste Training

🟢Bespoke Training

Click Here to find out more about the training courses we deliver!

Extractives and Mineral Processing:


Approved by the awarding organisation MP Awards, we also deliver a range of MPQC extractives and mineral processing qualifications suitable for both operators, managers, and directors.


We are approved to deliver the following qualifications:


🟢 MPQC Level 7 Diploma in Safety, Health and Environmental Management - Click Here to find out more!
🟢 MPQC Level 6 Diploma in Safety, Health and Environmental Management -
Click Here to find out more!
🟢 MPQC Level 4 Diploma in Safety, Health and Environmental Management -
Click Here to find out more!
🟢 MPQC Level 3 Diploma in Weighbridge Operations -
Click Here to find out more!
🟢 MPQC Level 2 Diploma in Products Processing Operations -
Click Here to find out more!
🟢 MPQC Level 2 Diploma in Mineral Products Mobile Plant Operations -
Click Here to find out more!

Because of our involvement in all the sectors we work in we can also put you in touch with a range of specialists from environmental permitting, mineral and health and safety consultants.

Mobile Plant Training:


We have also partnered with DH Training, who can deliver a range of mobile plant training courses and they are approved by MPQC to carry out red card assessments.

They are approved to deliver the following courses:
🟢 AITT Accredited Training
🟢 MPQC Accredited Training 
🟢 In-house training - Mobile and Static Plant
🟢 Forklift Training


Click Here to find out more about DH Training!

All the companies we work with have direct relevant experience in the sectors in which they work and share our ethos for standards, quality and customer care.


Come and visit us on stand R-M180, you can find us directly oppose our colleagues CIWM (WAMITAB).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Details


To register for your free ticket or for more information please visit: www.rwmexhibition.com

Date: 14-15 September 2022
Venue: The NEC, Birmingham
Halls: 17-20
Opening Times: 9.30 - 5pm

You can also follow us on social media!

by HSEC Services Team 7 February 2025
On the 18th of December 2024 the ‘Environment Agency’ realised a series of ‘new’ consolidated standard rules permits, which replace a number of older standard rules, which now have been withdrawn. Below we have provided a table showing the activity description, permits which have been withdrawn, the new consolidated permit applicable and updated technical competence requirements which have changed for some activities to reflect the inclusion of hazardous waste. We have included working links within the table to additional information regarding the new consolidated standard rules permits and Technical Competence qualifications and purpose statements. The table can be downloaded here -> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Lex_fyGXbWUsgGpLW1W8104DsIv8Njo9/view Quick fire question and answer! The Environment Agency has issued a Regulatory Position Statement (RPS), specifically RPS 331. This changes the original compliance window from the 18th of March 2025, to the 27th of June 2025. We have provides a link to the Regulatory Position Statement (RPS) 331 issued by the Environment Agency below. Link to '' Extension to comply with new standard rules permits: RPS 331 '' - Click Here Q) I have read through the new standard rules permit applicable to me and I cant adhere to the rules within it, what do I do? A) If you cannot comply with the new standard rules permit you will need to apply to vary your permit into a bespoke permit. You must apply for a bespoke permit by 27th June 2025 and continue to comply with your standard rules permit. Q) I have reviewed my technical competence against the new standard rules permit for my facility using the table below, and I require an additional qualification / or units. Do the EA expect me to achieve this by the 27th of June 2025? A) No, the Environment Agency has put in place a 'Regulatory Position Statement (RPS)', which was issued on the 13th of March 2025, and provides anyone affected 12 months from the date the RPS was published to achieve any additional units or qualifications. Link to '' Technical competence qualifications for consolidated standard rules permits: RPS 326 '' - Click Here Q) I have reviewed the new standard rules permit applicable to me and I can adhere to it, is their anything else I need to know or do, other than reviewing my technical competence? A) As required by rule 1 within any standard rules permit, you need to operate in line with a written management system more commonly known as an Environmental Management System or EMS. This should be readily available to site staff and regulators on request. This will need to be reviewed to consider any changes to the permit and associated operating techniques. We have also provided an additional link below to the non-hazardous and inert waste: appropriate measures which is linked to the majority of these new standard rules permits. Link : https://www.gov.uk/guidance/non-hazardous-and-inert-waste-appropriate-measures-for-permitted-facilities Note : New permits such as the ‘SR2022 No4’ and ‘SR2022 No5’ are listed twice within the table, both as a high and medium risk operations. This is to reflect the fact that not all sites will opt to accept asbestos. Therefore, anyone accepting asbestos will need to meet the requirements of the high-risk listing; anyone not accepting asbestos will need to meet the requirements of the medium-risk listing. Contact us ! If you intend on accepting asbestos or have any questions regarding the required competence for these or any other permitted facility, email us at info@hsecservices.co.uk or phone 01502 712209 ! Further changes / Updates: 26/03/2025 EA / CIWM (WAMITAB) change to competence required for HWRC's accepting hazardous and non-hazardous waste (Previously VRQ406 had been accepted however, now VRQ414 is required instead).
by HSEC Services Team 11 December 2024
Why learn something new? There are compelling reasons for upskilling, which generally fall into two categories: personal and professional. On a personal level, acquiring new knowledge or skills boosts self-confidence and provides a sense of accomplishment while offering valuable mental stimulation. In the professional realm, updated skills and knowledge can open doors to career advancement. Why this time of year? Two key periods in the year often motivate people to make changes in their lives. The first is the first week of January, commonly associated with New Year’s Resolutions. The second period is right now! As the seasons change, we begin to contemplate the year ahead while reflecting on the challenges and accomplishments of the past year. Although life may start to slow down a bit, this gives most of us a chance to focus on personal development, whether through short courses, or technical qualifications. Make learning bite-size and convenient! For many, pursuing qualifications or training often feels like a daunting task that gets pushed aside. In operations, it's easy to become absorbed in immediate concerns. Over the last five years, we’ve noticed a trend: individuals start thinking about their development early in the year but delay enrolling until mid to late spring when a brief lull occurs. As the weather improves and work becomes less muddy, they finally take the plunge and enrol. But why put yourself under extra pressure? The initial stages of any qualification or training can be challenging as you transition back into educational mode, often for the first time in years. Delaying enrolment until the workload intensifies leads to interruptions in your studies. By starting your learning now, you can find time to gradually tackle your studies in digestible chunks. By the time spring arrives, you could be well on your way to completion. Since you'll have a solid understanding of what’s required, you can integrate your studies into your routine, even during the busier months. How can we help? We deliver a wide range of qualifications and training to the waste, quarrying, utilities and associated sectors. To start your journey by emailing us at info@hsecservices.co.uk or alternatively give us a call on 01502 712209 ! Have a better business, with better training!
by HSEC Services Team 27 October 2023
CIWM ( WAMITAB ) Level 3 Award in Health and Safety Supervision for Resource and Waste Management Sector!
by HSEC Services Team 6 September 2023
Do you operate an exempt waste facility, such as a T9 or S2 among others, do you have someone employed or contracted in who has the required technical competence to legally manage your exemption?
by HSEC Services Team 10 August 2023
So, what is a managed training service? It’s effectively where an organisation looks to outsource aspects of an organisations learning and development functions, using a single training provider or organisation, to supply and source all of their qualifications and training either directly or indirectly, in addition to administrative services such as reporting, updating training records, copy certificates etc.
by HSEC Services 18 April 2023
Build Your own CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management - VRQ Course! The alternative route to achieve technical competence for a permitted facility!
CIWM (WAMITAB) Certificate in Waste and Resource Management
by HSEC Services 13 February 2023
About the CIWM (WAMITAB) Level 4 Certificate in Waste and Resource Management
by HSEC Services 6 February 2023
Waste Exemptions Consultation Outcome - Supplementary Government Response - Updated 6 February 2023
by HSEC Services 9 December 2022
🎅🏼🎄£12,000 in prizes to be won! 🎄🎅🏼
by HSEC Services 30 September 2022
From Monday 3rd of October 2022, the Health and Safety Executive are starting targeted inspections of the waste industry.
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WAMITAB and MPQC Approved Centre, Delivery Nationwide